I think about His deliverance of each person in His word, how He chose a time and a place to show up and show out His goodness for all to see. To show others that He is real and He will do what He promises. I have seen some good times in my life, prosperity, health, love, strength, and blessing. In the same respect, I have seen poverty, weakness, sickness, hatred, ignorance, and homelessness. There were times we asked, "I thought you promised an abundant life..."
Here's what I have learned in all of this... "...In whatsoever state you are in, therewith be content..." Phil 4:11 and "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus, concerning you." I Thes. 5:18
It is not easy to sit alone, in the middle of a storm and just say, "Okay God, this is happening to me, I am okay with it and I am trusting in you. I know you have allowed this, now teach me what you want me to learn through this trial." It is the hardest thing to do... first of all, you aren't okay with it... it hurts, it is hard. Second of all, it isn't fun or easy to sit and wait to find out what you are supposed to be learning through it all. You want to say, "why are you doing this to me?" I know Bob and I have had a hard time with trials and struggles. I am one who says, "Okay this is happening, what can I learn, I have to be patient, and I know God is going to show up in this somehow." Where Bob is the one who wants to know, "why this trial, why now? What more can I possibly learn from this mess?"

He will deliver you, and at the end of your madness, your trial, you will have an amazing testimony that someone else may need to hear to encourage them. If God delivered the children of Israel, time after time, through their doubts, fears, and disobedience, their love, devotion and strength. Imagine what God is going to do for you, His loving, faithful servant, standing strong, waiting on Him... What God did for His children then, God will do the same for you and me.